Wednesday, August 1, 2012

IFR Flight Training

Flight training, whether IFR or not, is a never ending process.  You don't start, work at it, and finish... unless you want to be finished flying.  It was drilled into my head many, many times during the course of my training that a good pilot is always training.

Training can take many forms.  Sometimes it's "chair flying", reviewing the FAR's, or racking up flight time in the cockpit.  At others, it's about reading professional publications regarding your topic of study at that moment.  To that end, I thought I'd include a brief list of articles related to IFR flying.  Fortunately, there are a host of publications devoted to, or otherwise covering the topic, a few of which I include below.

Thanks to the great work these writers are doing, there is a wealth of information available to help me train (and you too!).

IFR Insight: Staying safe as a beginner - Flying Magazine, July 27, 2012
Safety pilot in IMC - IFR Magazine, August 1, 2012
IFR Fix: What's 'visual'?- AOPA Training Article, June 25, 2012
IFR Flight Prep: A Whole New Game - Flying Magazine, April 30, 2010

Plenty to digest just in these articles.  Until next time,

Happy Landings

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